The Fallout of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s Royal Exit: A Journey from Popularity to Peril

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, once hailed as the shining stars of the Royal Family, have experienced a dramatic decline in their public favor, marking what some experts describe as “the biggest plummet in popularity in history.” Hilary Fordwich, a noted royal commentator, attributes this decline to Meghan Markle’s reluctance to play second fiddle to Kate Middleton.

Harry and Meghan's popularity has 'plummeted'

Fordwich suggests that Meghan’s desire for independence and recognition drove her and Harry away from their prominent roles within the monarchy. “It all stems from Meghan not wanting to be number two to Kate,” Fordwich stated, emphasizing Meghan’s decision to pursue her own path, even as Kate Middleton continued to fulfill traditional royal duties, such as attending Trooping the Colour.

Recent polls underscore this shift in public sentiment. A YouGov survey revealed Meghan Markle as the second least popular royal, just ahead of Prince Andrew, with a significant portion of respondents viewing both negatively. Harry, too, has seen his popularity diminish, reflecting a growing disillusionment among the public.

Reports now swirl around the possibility of Harry and Meghan’s return to the UK, amid hints that Harry may miss aspects of his former royal life. However, royal experts like Richard Eden caution that such a return may no longer be feasible, with the Royal Family seemingly moving forward without them. “They are irrelevant now, they are just not wanted as part of the monarchy,” Eden remarked, highlighting the familial and institutional rifts that have widened since their departure.

As the couple navigates their new life in the United States, where they have ventured into ventures like jam-making and other commercial pursuits, the future of their relationship with the monarchy remains uncertain. With Prince William poised to assume the throne in the future, the window of opportunity for Harry’s potential return may be closing.

In conclusion, Harry and Meghan’s journey from royal popularity to public scrutiny reflects not just personal choices but also broader implications for the monarchy they once represented.