British Actor Learns to Speak English Again: The Curious Case of Charlie Hunnam in ‘King Arthur: Legend of the Sword’

British actor Charlie Hunnam faced a peculiar challenge while preparing for his role as King Arthur in the 2017 action-adventure fantasy film, “King Arthur: Legend of the Sword,” directed by Guy Ritchie. Despite being British himself, Hunnam had spent so much time working in the United States that he had forgotten how to speak with a British accent.

The journey to reclaim his native accent became a priority for Hunnam as he delved into the iconic role of the legendary King Arthur. Despite being a native Briton, Hunnam had spent a significant amount of time across the pond, causing him to lose touch with his British roots, including his accent.

To remedy this, Hunnam found himself in the rather ironic position of needing to relearn his own accent. In a desperate attempt to recapture the essence of British speech, he sought out the guidance of dialect coaches to assist him in rediscovering the nuances of the British accent.

The process was both challenging and humorous for Hunnam, who found himself grappling with the intricacies of his native dialect as if he were learning a new language. Yet, with dedication and perseverance, he gradually began to reacquaint himself with the cadence and inflections of British English.

Hunnam’s commitment to authenticity in portraying King Arthur led him on a journey of self-discovery, not only as an actor but also as a Briton reconnecting with his cultural heritage. His determination to master his native accent showcased his professionalism and dedication to his craft, earning him praise for his portrayal of the legendary monarch.


As Hunnam navigated the complexities of reclaiming his British accent, audiences were treated to a performance that captured the essence of King Arthur’s legendary persona. His transformation from an Englishman who had lost touch with his roots to a convincing portrayal of one of Britain’s most iconic figures was a testament to his talent and commitment to his art.

In the end, Hunnam’s journey to rediscover his British accent served as a reminder of the importance of staying connected to one’s roots, no matter where life may take you. And while the process may have been filled with challenges and laughter, it ultimately resulted in a performance that honored both the character of King Arthur and the spirit of the British Isles.