Sophie Trudeau, the former wife of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, has distanced herself from Meghan Markle, denying a close friendship with the Duchess. In a brief comment to The Times earlier this year, Sophie remarked, “I know her… but we haven’t spent much time together,” effectively snubbing any suggestion of a significant relationship.

Their apparent disconnect contrasts Meghan’s previous descriptions of a day spent together at her Montecito home, featured on her podcast Archetypes. Meghan had recounted moments of camaraderie and shared activities, including their children playing together. Despite Meghan’s openness about their interactions, Sophie redirected attention to Princess Kate during the interview, expressing concern over Kate’s reported cancer diagnosis.

Their initial connection reportedly began in 2016 after meeting through Justin Trudeau at a summit in Ottawa. Meghan admired Sophie’s transition from entertainment news to First Lady of Canada but faces speculation about her friendships, including criticism for distancing herself from former close friend Jessica Mulroney.