Meghan Markle ‘annoyed’ by Princess Kate’s alleged sabotage during product launch

Tensions within the British royal family have reportedly escalated as Meghan Markle expresses her frustration over what she perceives as deliberate attempts by Princess Kate to undermine her. According to sources close to the Duchess of Sussex, Meghan is “annoyed” and believes that Kate has intentionally timed her public appearances to coincide with Meghan’s significant announcements, drawing media attention away from her initiatives.

The latest incident that has fueled this belief occurred when Princess Kate made a rare public appearance on the very day Meghan was set to unveil a new product. Kate’s sudden re-emergence into the media spotlight was seen by Meghan as a calculated move to overshadow her efforts. Following this appearance, Kate returned to her low-profile existence, which further convinced Meghan that the timing was no coincidence.

Meghan, who has been actively involved in various humanitarian and entrepreneurial ventures since stepping back from royal duties, felt that this pattern of behavior was not accidental. She perceives it as a strategic effort to divert public and media attention from her projects, thereby undermining her work and public image.

The Duchess of Sussex has been vocal about her struggles with the intense scrutiny and challenges she faced within the royal family, and this recent development has only added to her grievances. Meghan believes that her initiatives deserve recognition and support, and feels that such actions from within the family only serve to create unnecessary conflict and competition.

This situation highlights the ongoing complexities and strained relationships within the royal family, as they navigate their roles and public perceptions in a highly scrutinized environment. As both Meghan and Kate continue their respective paths, the public remains keenly interested in how these dynamics will unfold.

In the meantime, Meghan remains steadfast in her commitment to her causes and projects, undeterred by the perceived obstacles. Her focus remains on making a positive impact through her work, despite the challenges posed by familial tensions and media scrutiny.