Megyn Kelly Criticizes Prince Harry and Meghan Markle for ‘Playing the Victim’

Megyn Kelly, the outspoken media personality, has sharply criticized Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, accusing them of living a hypocritical lifestyle and consistently portraying themselves as victims. This criticism comes amid controversy over what some are calling a staged paparazzi chase in New York.

In May 2024, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle claimed they were involved in a “near catastrophic car chase” with paparazzi after leaving a charity event in New York. The couple described the incident as highly dangerous. However, the narrative soon faced skepticism.

On her show, Kelly called out the couple’s claims, labeling the chase as exaggerated and likely orchestrated for sympathy. She argued, “This is another classic example of Harry and Meghan playing the victim card. They have a pattern of making dramatic claims that often don’t hold up under scrutiny.”

Kelly pointed to testimonies from the New York Police Department and eyewitness accounts suggesting that the chase was far less dramatic than described. The NYPD clarified that there were no collisions, injuries, or arrests.

Public reaction has been mixed. Supporters of Harry and Meghan cite their past traumas and relentless media scrutiny, while others, amplified by Kelly’s comments, are growing skeptical of the couple’s narratives.

Since their departure from royal duties in 2020, Harry and Meghan have frequently discussed their struggles with the press, often in high-profile interviews. Critics like Kelly argue that these stories are part of a strategy to maintain relevance and secure lucrative deals.

Kelly’s sharp critique has reignited the conversation about the authenticity of Harry and Meghan’s public statements. Whether this controversy will significantly impact their public image remains to be seen, but it adds another layer to their complex relationship with the media and the public.