Lady Gaga is known worldwide as one of the most pioneering and talented performers of her generation. With her catchy pop songs, elaborate costumes, and theatrical live shows, Gaga has cemented herself as a true icon in the music industry. However, her incredible stage presence and ability to command an audience’s attention doesn’t come without immense dedication and preparation. As with any professional entertainer, there are certain things Gaga likely avoids doing right before showtime to ensure her performances are of the highest quality. Let’s take a look at five things Lady Gaga probably wouldn’t do before hitting the stage.

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One thing Lady Gaga surely doesn’t partake in before a concert is overindulging in things like alcohol, rich foods, or late nights. As a singer, her voice is her instrument, and keeping it in top condition is of utmost importance. Consuming heavy or fatty foods can leave one feeling bloated and lethargic. Drinking alcohol in excess can dry out the vocal cords and damage one’s ability to hit notes cleanly. Staying up too late the night before a show risks loss of energy and focus. Gaga understands the dedication required to perform at her caliber night after night. She’s known to follow a healthy diet and get plenty of rest to preserve her stamina and stellar vocals. Partying is usually reserved for after a show when the work is done. Maintaining her health and voice quality is too important to risk compromising for the sake of indulgence right before lights up.

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Skip Vocal Warm-Ups
No professional singer would think to skip doing vocal warm-ups before a concert. Warm-ups are essential for preparing the voice and getting the muscles, breath support, and range ready for a lengthy, high-energy performance. They incorporate techniques like scales, lip trills, tongue twisters, and more to gradually bring one’s voice up to its full capacity. Gaga’s shows involve powerful belts, intricate runs, and sustained notes – putting that level of strain on the voice without proper warm-up could lead to damage, fatigue, or inability to hit certain notes. Her dedication to her craft means taking the time to do comprehensive warm-ups with her vocal coach. Not only does this ensure her voice sounds pristine, but it gets her fully focused and in the zone mentally for the show. Fans have come to expect Gaga’s flawless vocals, complex arrangements, and high performance standards – something she wouldn’t compromise by skipping such an important part of her pre-show routine.

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