Kylie Jenner, renowned for her glamour and success as a business mogul, has recently made headlines for the strict set of rules she enforces upon her young daughter, Stormi. These regulations, ranging from lifestyle choices to behavioral guidelines, have left many surprised and intrigued by the parenting approach of the reality TV star turned entrepreneur.

1. Screen Time Limit: Kylie strictly limits Stormi’s screen time, emphasizing the importance of a balanced lifestyle away from electronic devices.

2. Healthy Eating Habits: Stormi follows a strict diet regimen curated by her mother, focusing on nutritious meals and limiting processed foods and sugary snacks.

3. Education First: Despite her young age, Stormi’s education is a top priority for Kylie, who ensures that learning and intellectual development are emphasized in their daily routine.

4. Bedtime Routine: Stormi adheres to a consistent bedtime schedule, with Kylie prioritizing adequate rest and sleep for her daughter’s overall well-being.

5. Respect and Kindness: Kylie instills values of respect and kindness in Stormi, encouraging her to treat others with empathy and compassion.

6. No Public Meltdowns: Stormi is expected to maintain composure in public settings, with Kylie emphasizing the importance of self-control and discipline.

7. Limited Exposure to Media Attention: Despite her family’s fame, Kylie aims to shield Stormi from excessive media scrutiny, ensuring her daughter’s privacy and well-being are protected.

8. Regular Exercise: Physical activity is a daily staple for Stormi, with Kylie encouraging her daughter to stay active and prioritize fitness from a young age.

9. Environmental Consciousness: Kylie teaches Stormi the importance of environmental stewardship, promoting eco-friendly practices and sustainability.

10. Family Bonding Time: Despite her busy schedule, Kylie prioritizes quality time with Stormi and emphasizes the importance of family bonds and relationships.

11. Confidence and Self-Love: Above all, Kylie instills a sense of confidence and self-love in Stormi, encouraging her daughter to embrace her individuality and unique qualities.

While some may perceive these rules as strict, Kylie’s commitment to providing a structured and nurturing environment for Stormi underscores her dedication to motherhood. As Stormi grows, these guiding principles will continue to shape her upbringing, ensuring she develops into a well-rounded and grounded individual under the watchful eye of her devoted mother.