Prince Harry and his brother Prince William’s relationship is at its lowest point. It’s been rumored that William, the future king, doesn’t even want to talk with his younger brother on the phone, while other reports suggest that he and his wife, Kate Middleton, would want to try to make their troubled relationship work.

As he described in his tell-all memoir of the same name, Harry has always felt like a “spare.” His brother was more important to the Firm, as William was the future king. Still, compared to other royal generations, they had a unique and tragic experience, as their mother, Princess Diana, passed away when they were only kids.

What once was a wonderful brotherhood has become something different today, as Harry even has called his brother his “archnemesis.” However, as per a new report, it’s not only William with whom Harry has a big problem, but also his father. A royal expert has revealed the one thing the Duke of Sussex truly ‘hates’ about his father, which concerns his brother.

Prince William and Prince Harry have lived similar –but simultaneously very different – lives. The two had a very happy childhood. However, as we all know, their lives would change forever on August 31, 1997, when their mother, Princess Diana, passed away.

William and Harry lost their mother and only had one parent in Charles left. Even though the royal family is an institution with rules, traditions, and a way to act, one might think that in times of sorrow, at least in private, the family members will mourn just as any other person, right? According to Harry, that wasn’t the case when his mother, Princess Diana, died.

Prince Harry & Prince William – how they found out about their mother’s death

In one passage in his tell-all memoir Spare, Harry recalled the horrifying morning he got word of his mother’s passing. The Duke, just 12 years old at the time, described how his father sat beside his bed, telling him: “Darling boy, Mummy’s been in a car crash.

In utter shock, Harry basically stated that his father wasn’t there to care or comfort him as he received the terrible news.

“There were complications. Mummy was quite badly injured and taken to hospital, darling boy,” Harry recalled his father saying.

“He always called me ‘darling boy,’ but he was saying it quite a lot now,” Harry continued. “His voice was soft. He was in shock, it seemed. ‘With a head injury. They tried, darling boy. I’m afraid she didn’t make it.’”

The prince further claimed that Charles put his hand on his knee, saying: “It’s going to be OK,” but that he “didn’t hug” him.

“Everyone knows where they were and what they were doing the night my mother died,” Harry stated. “I cried once, at the burial, and you know I go into detail about how strange it was and how actually there was some guilt that I felt and I think William felt as well, by walking around the outside of Kensington Palace.”
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“There were 50,000 bouquets of flowers to our mother and there we were shaking people’s hands, smiling,” he continued. “I’ve seen the videos, right, I looked back over it all. And the wet hands that we were shaking, we couldn’t understand why their hands were wet, but it was all the tears that they were wiping away.”

“I don’t think any child should be asked to do that”

Princess Diana’s death left the entire world in shock. However, at the time, many likely forgot that there were two young boys, William and Harry, who, despite mourning their beloved mother, had to keep up some sort of public image.

The two brothers walked behind their mother’s coffin to Westminster Abbey.

Later, Harry slammed the decision that the two young boys – 12 and 15, respectively – had to walk through London with the world watching.

“My mother had just died, and I had to walk a long way behind her coffin, surrounded by thousands of people watching me while millions more did on television,” he told Newsweek in 2017. “I don’t think any child should be asked to do that, under any circumstances. I don’t think it would happen today.”

Harry and William once had a great relationship. When Harry turned 21, he told the world that he and his brother were very close and could talk “about anything.”

“He is the one person on this earth who, I can actually really, you know, we can talk about anything and we understand each other and give each other support and everything’s fine,” Harry said.
Prince William, Queen Elizabeth, Prince HarryTim Graham Photo Library via Getty Images

Today, we all know that Prince Harry’s relationship with his brother is at its lowest. William reportedly refuses to take Harry’s calls, and tensions were high between them even before the Sussexes decided to leave royal life.

Prince Harry revealed details of physical confrontation with his brother

In Spare, Harry recalled one night at his London home in 2019, where Harry wrote that he and William had a physical confrontation. The Duke claimed William had called his wife, Meghan, “abrasive,” “rude,” and “difficult,” something Harry called “parrot the press narrative.”

It escalated, and Harry described how William “grabbed me by the collar, ripping my necklace, and … knocked me to the floor.”

“He set down the water, called me another name, then came at me. It all happened so fast. So very fast. He grabbed me by the collar, ripping my necklace, and he knocked me to the floor. I landed on the dog’s bowl, which cracked under my back, the pieces cutting into me. I lay there for a moment, dazed, then got to my feet and told him to get out,” Harry wrote.

The Duke then described how William urged him to hit back, describing their fights as children. When Harry refused, the future king left before returning later “looking regretful, and apologized.” Harry said he sustained visible injuries on his back.

Moreover, Harry went as far as calling William his “archnemesis.”

About a year after Harry and Meghan left the royal family, Queen Elizabeth II’s husband, Prince Philip, passed away. At the time, just like today, Harry and William had a lot of tension between them. Meghan didn’t attend the funeral, but Harry did. However, the days surrounding the funeral were dramatic.

Chris Jackson/WPA Pool/Getty Images
As the royal family walked behind Prince Philip’s coffin in procession, Harry and William weren’t walking shoulder-to-shoulder.

Harry was “outraged” over meeting with his father and brother

According to several news outlets, Queen Elizabeth II had ordered Prince Harry and Prince William not to walk beside one another in the funeral procession. Instead, they were instead separated by their cousin Peter Phillips, who walked in the middle.

As per the Mirror at the time, the Queen decided on “each and every detail” surrounding her husband’s funeral. She insisted that nothing would “detract from what the day is about, commemorating the extraordinary life of her husband.”

However, other reports suggested it wasn’t the Queen’s decision. Instead, William requested that Peter Philips be placed between him and Harry.

Charles, Harry, and William held a private meeting in conjunction with the funeral. It had only been a month since the Sussexes had sat down with Oprah Winfrey in the infamous interview.

Sadly, it turned out to be a gigantic failure, as Harry was “outraged” with the outcome of their talks. The two-hour sit-down at Windsor Castle following Prince Philip’s funeral was unscheduled, and Harry felt “ambushed” by his father and brother.
Samir Hussein/WireImage
“The meeting after the family laid Prince Philip to rest was not scheduled. Harry felt ambushed by his dad and brother which is no way to start a peace process,” a source told Radar Online.

Harry is trying to reach his father – but he won’t answer, expert says

Prince Harry and his brother have only seen each other a few times in the last few years. He and Meghan traveled from the US to his home country for Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral.

Even though they didn’t enjoy it, Prince William and Kate walked side by side with Harry and Meghan Markle at Windsor Castle, where they greeted members of the public and viewed the many flowers and tributes to the late monarch.

When King Charles was crowned king in May last year, Meghan Markle was not in attendance. Harry traveled to the UK alone, but shortly after the coronation ceremony at Westminster Abbey was done, he left and flew back to California.

On Sunday, June 16, it’s Father’s Day. Harry has reportedly tried to schedule a call with his father for the special day. Sadly, as per royal expert Tom Quinn, his efforts have been met with reluctance.

“Harry has tried to schedule a call with his father already, but his father is prevaricating with Camilla advising against anything that might upset King Charles,” Quinn told the Mirror.

The royal expert added that Harry wants to send a “warm message” to his father, whom he “does love.” Sadly, it’s not a private matter, as the estranged son of the king understands that his life and relationship with his father is very public.

Harry “hates” that Charles is always taking William’s side

“He knows the world will be watching to see whether he is big enough to reach out to his father. He is determined to try to ignore his troubled relationship with his father and he will certainly send a warm message,” Tom Quinn explained.

There have been several attempts to make amends. But sadly, Harry’s relationship with his father and brother is far from healthy. Royal expert Tom Quinn claimed that while Harry wants to make amends, he has one big problem: He thinks King Charles doesn’t care enough for him and instead “supports” William over his younger son.

“It’s easy to forget that Harry really does love his father; he just hates the fact that Charles seems always to support William when there is a family dispute,” Quinn told the Mirror.

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