Meghan Markle, once aspiring to embody Victoria Beckham’s posh style, reportedly strained their relationship by allegedly seeking free clothes and handbags from the fashion designer during her engagement to Prince Harry. Buckingham Palace swiftly intervened, rejecting Markle’s request due to protocol restrictions, marking a turning point in their association.

Initially close, Markle had stayed at the Beckhams’ Beverly Hills home and received beauty advice from Victoria’s staff. However, trust eroded when Markle suspected Beckham of leaking stories to the press, exacerbated by a report in The Sun about makeup advice. Tensions peaked when Markle allegedly snubbed the Beckhams at her wedding, causing Victoria to feel slighted, especially over perceived disparities in wealth and access to luxury.

Despite occasional professional support from Markle, who wore Beckham’s designs publicly, their once-promising friendship soured, leaving behind a noticeable rift in royal circles.

Since stepping back from royal duties in 2020, Meghan and Harry are no longer bound by strict gift acceptance protocols during unofficial engagements like their trip to Nigeria, where they received a variety of gifts including artwork, clothing, and jewelry. While caution is advised regarding gift propriety, the Sussexes are now freer to engage with gifts according to their discretion.

Meghan Markle sought free handbags from Victoria Beckham before relationship strain

This shift reflects a broader adjustment in their public engagements, balancing diplomatic considerations with personal choices in accepting gestures of goodwill.