A little reminder about love and respect….

It breaks my heart to see people tearing down others just because they love Taylor Swift and her music. For many of us, Taylor’s music is more than just song….it’s a lifeline. A source of comfort and joy. Her lyrics speak to our souls, her music fill our hearts, and her words offer peace when we need it most. She’s been there for us through heartbreaks, celebrations, and everything in between.

Unfortunately, some people seem to despise her, and they don’t stop at just not enjoying her music. They feel the need to criticize us for loving her. They call her music “teeny bopper,” “childish,” say she can’t sing, or that her songs lack substance. But what they don’t understand and will NEVER understand, is that their words can’t take away the happiness and connection we feel with her.

Everyone has their own thing.

For some, it’s football. For others, it’s video games. Or Pokémon, art, cosplay, rodeo, or NASCAR…..you get the point. These are the things that light each of our souls on fire, that bring us joy and meaning. Just because someone else’s happiness doesn’t come from the same place as yours doesn’t make it any less valid.

We should be uplifting each other rather than tearing each other down. Life is far too short for negativity and judgments about what ignites our passions and brings up happiness.

Here’s to Taylor Swift….and to everyone who finds their joy in something special.

Celebrate our diversity and individuality and choose kindness and respect over unnecessary negativity. It will make the world a much better place.