## Caitlin Clark’s Adorable Pre-Game Ritual with Ex-Teammate and Fellow WNBA Rookie Kate Martin Revealed

Caitlin Clark and Kate Martin, both rookies in the WNBA and former college teammates, have a pre-game ritual that has captured the hearts of fans everywhere. This endearing tradition, which they started during their college days, continues to bring them closer as they navigate their professional careers.

Before each game, Clark and Martin share a light-hearted moment that showcases their close bond and camaraderie. The ritual involves a secret handshake followed by a few encouraging words, which has become a symbol of their unbreakable friendship and mutual support.

This heartwarming routine not only highlights the strong connection between the two players but also adds a touch of joy and positivity to their game day preparations. Fans have embraced this adorable tradition, seeing it as a testament to the power of friendship and teamwork.

As Clark and Martin continue to make their mark in the WNBA, their pre-game ritual serves as a reminder of the importance of maintaining strong personal connections in the competitive world of professional sports. Their story is a beautiful example of how shared experiences and genuine bonds can inspire and uplift, both on and off the court.