Cameron Diaz’s Outburst: Meghan Markle Allegedly Refuses to Settle $3,000 Sushi Tab, Prompting Outrage and Claims of Extortion

Meghan had invited Cameron and a group of famous friends for a girls’ night out at a trendy new sushi spot in LA last weekend, treating them as a gesture of gratitude for their support since her move to California. Cameron anticipated a relaxing dinner with great company and delicious food. However, things took an unexpected turn.

As the evening progressed and sake bottles emptied, the group ordered multiple specialty rolls, sushi platters, and even high-end wagyu beef to share. All seemed well until the bill arrived—totaling over $3,000. Meghan’s demeanor reportedly changed, and she refused to foot the bill. Cameron was taken aback. She couldn’t believe Meghan, who had insisted on treating them, was now trying to pass the expense to someone else.

According to Cameron, Meghan “made me pay that [expletive]!” Allegedly, Meghan had promised to cover the bill but backed out at the last minute, claiming it was too costly. Furious, Cameron slammed her wallet on the table and confronted Meghan, insisting she pay her share. Witnesses claim Meghan feigned ignorance, suggesting others should contribute.

Cameron stood her ground, reminding Meghan that she had initiated the dinner and was thus responsible for the entire bill. Allegedly, Cameron warned Meghan that if she didn’t settle immediately, she would expose the incident on Instagram for their celebrity friends and followers to see. This reportedly compelled Meghan to reluctantly pay up, glaring at Cameron throughout.

Following the incident, Cameron left in frustration, skipping dessert, and the atmosphere in the cab ride home was described as tense and silent. Relations between the two have reportedly remained strained. Cameron, who had previously kept quiet about the incident, now explains her distance from Meghan, feeling let down by what she perceives as Meghan’s irresponsible behavior regarding the bill.